I cant use an if statement in a change entity object in 9.11.0 anymore.

Hi All We have recently upgraded to 9.11.0 and get a “Error(s) in expression” when we use a if statement when changing  a field of a entity.  if $TotalHours = 0 then 0 else $ShiftCostAndTime/Cost : $TotalHours We also get a error if we just open an existing change Object that uses an if statement without even changing anything. A work around is to use a Variable to do the if statement and then set the $Variable to the relevant field. Is there a solution to this problem as we cant go and change all the places we have used an if statement in entity change!   Regards, Patrick    
2 answers

Is this the issue with expressions that was fixed in 9.11.1?


in 1 of the learning paths I got a similar error. The solution there was to write the whole expression on 1 line instead of separate lines. Can check if that might work.
