Can the current Mendix application call the REST service inside the current Mendix application with the current session without additional authentication?

Dear All, My question is 'Can the current Mendix application call the REST service inside the current Mendix application with the current session without additional authentication?'   So far as I know, ticking the 'Active Session' option from the REST service enables calling the REST API inside the current Mendix application with the current session and it doesn't need additional authentication.   I remember that we made a sample Mendix application that calls the REST service inside the current Mendix application when we tested the JT viewer, but I could download the project for now from the cloud, but below document describes one use case that calls the REST API from the current Mendix app's JavaScript and it requires 'X-Csrf-Token' specified as a header of the request. So I added the header to the Call REST activity from the microflow, but it shows an error that says 'Unauthorized'.     I appreciate any response.      
1 answers

Have you tried unchecking “username and password” and just having “active session” enabled? I think that might do the trick.

Best regards,

