No data displayed on Pop-up page

Hi guys, A client is facing an issue where when they open a pop-up page from selecting one of their objects in the list, data is not displayed. They have inspected the microflow that opens the pop-up page. They confirmed via the debugger that the object does exist and is being correctly passed into the pop-up page so the microflow doesn’t crash and the pop-up page actually opens. Even the list view shows the data before clicking it to open the pop-up page. However, upon reaching the pop-up page, on the Chrome console, it says the object does not exist(shown below) and the pop-up page has no data. The text fields are empty. This only happens in a Production environment and does not happen in test/acceptance environments. Has anyone faced something strange like this before or have any idea on what this might be? Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you! Best Regards Kevin
3 answers

Microflow in Acceptance = Microflow in Production

Data in Acceptance != data in Production

If the code is working on Acceptance and working with the data present there, the only difference is the data (volume). Do you experience memory problems on the server/node? If you are doing a lot of logic in the Microflow creating the list, try migrating the Microflow to a Nanoflow.


Check and see if the security on the associations is correct. I think I read a post on this somewhere on Google or even in Mendix forum. The jist of it if I remember was that once you turn production security on, you also need to make sure the security for associations between the entities are properly configured, or you will indeed not see data.

Don’t know if this is helpful, but what you’re observing could be related.


Are you able to take a copy of the production database and backsync it to a local environment so you can single step through yourself?

It feels like there isn’t an object being passed and if you have a local copy you can test this for yourself.

Good luck
