microflow Vaildations

Is there any easy way to to do validations using microflow on 100 attributes? I have lots of attributes and i have to do validations using microflows. It’s very boring and repeatitive task.   Please any other easy (not page level or entity level) method like Java action etc. that uses validation feedback mesage action.
2 answers

There isn't an easy way to do it. Just a lot of drag and drop. There are some ways to do it a little quicker, but they aren't considered as best practice.

  1. validation rules on the entity. You don't want to do this!
  2. put in multiple validations in 1 decision with an and statetment. Then put in a pop up message that states that they have to fill in all the fields with a *. This also isn't considered best practice and will make your app a lot less user friendly


Hi Lalit, I understand the context that you are talking about. Another alternative way to achieve your requirement is to write a Javascript Action and target the dom elements and perform validation by code. Also, you can change the color or show appropriate message by manipulating javascript to dynamically add a div container and write a message for your validation.
