Excel Importer Parser not being called?

So I am attempting to import bunch of ratings into my project. They are usually 1-5, but sometimes there is a blank or N/A in the excel document instead. So I made a parser that would try and parse or else make it -1. It wasn’t working. So I added a breakpoint to the microflow and it isn’t getting called. Does the importer not allow for type conversion between Excel and Attribute?   Thanks as always, Shaun   EDIT: Updated with your solution. Still getting the same result however.
3 answers

Hi Shaun,

You may be getting an error because you are trying to use -1 in the ParseInteger formula. Because in the Java library Radix value is between 2 and 36.

In addition to this, if we look at your error, you are trying to assign the part that says N/A in your excel file as an integer. Trying to assign a string expression to an integer is getting an error. As a solution, you can delete the ones that say N/A. If your error persists, I'm here.

Kind regards,



It used to be that calling a microflow from java wouldn’t trigger a break point. I can’t speak to that but here’s your fix:


Right click on your create integer action activity and “Set error handling...” to Custom without rollback. Draw a line coming out of the activity that has an endpoint set as “-1”. 



Sorry, appears to be a known issue (https://forum.mendix.com/index3.html#/questions/11540474045336464). You’ll need to store an additional attribute that is a string. Run the parser on that then update the int based on the string attribute.
