Based the selection of dropdown1 values are not getting displayed in the dropdown2 using AutoCompleteForMendix widget for dropdown

Based the selection of dropdown1 values are not getting displayed in the dropdown2 using AutoCompleteForMendix widget for dropdown and the values in the both dropdowns are getting displayed using microflow
2 answers

Hey Priyanka Gadikar,
Have you implemented your logic in Ds flow if Second Drop down, Fetch values based on the Value Selected in Drop Down 1?

if already added, then do this step.
Keep an on Change action on your Drop Down1 and the OCH microflow just refresh the parent object this will fire the Ds flows of the drop-down again and fetch the Filtered values.


Good Luck!! 


Hi Priyanka Gadikar,
I have implemented the same in a test app in my local. I have my Widget Configuration like this

Selected microflow as search type and Added A microflow in the search microflow section, where I wrote my logic to filter.  


Hope this helps for you .
