Refresh issues on page

Hi,   I have a page with 1 data view and 1 data grid each with their own entity. I press a button to create a new account, go to a popup, create the account and then want to show the successfully created message on the first page, through the 1st data view entity. However, tried everything in the Save Account microflow → refresh objects, java refresh object and so on, but the message does not appear because the refresh does not work on the page.    How should I handle the refresh in this case as its not working?
2 answers

Hi Razvan ,

While using the Refresh page in microflow, some things should be considered. For example, you changed an information in a popup using microflow, and there are refresh page and close page activities in microflow. In this case, you cannot see the refresh feature on either the popup page or the 1st page. So you can try using the refresh page activity after the close page. Or you can try to refresh your 1st page using a button. If this method works, you can configure the refresh accordingly. I hope it helps



Could you please show us your page setup and your save mircoflow? I just recreated your setup and refreshing the page param of your first in a regular change action worked just fine for me.
