Dynamic class $currentObject access

I would like to have access to the Action Status attribute related to this Action entity so I could use a dinamic class for the status. Is there any idea of a good solution to solve this issue? If I add a dataview to have access to the action status bellow the action dataview I get this errors Resume: Action is the entity of my dataview ActionStatus is another entity The dataview has attributes of Action entity On dynamic class (of the attribute of the action) I need to have access to the object of the entity ActionStatus So when the action is, for instance closed, I can set a dymanic class to disabled the attribute    Issue solved with dataview inside another dataview  
3 answers

Hi Nicole,

Set the title where you want to set the dynamic class in another dataview. Set this dataview to the actionstatus entity, which you retrieve over association of the available action.

You can now show the title from the action, but use the dynamic class stored on action status.

If this doesn't work look into the possibility of storing the class on both action and actionstatus and then setting the dynamicclass on action when you open the page, by retrieving it from the status. However this is not ideal since you are saving the same data in two places.

Hope this helps!


hii your current object of data container is Action so follow steps to access status of action entity after click on dynamic class expression (from property)

then click on the variable and select attribute status


Sanjay Kushwah thank you very much for the answer. There is a misunderstanding.

My current object at the moment is Action entity not Action_Status.
And I’m not having access through the association to ActionStatus attributes.

Action is the entity of my dataview

ActionStatus is another entity

The dataview has attributes of Action entity
On dynamic class (of the attribute of the action) I need to have access to the object of the entity ActionStatus

So when the action is, for instance closed, I can set a dymanic class to disabled the attribute 
