Why we are getting Execuring Action Failed for Security Reasons

Hi What is the root cause for this error “Executing Action Failed for Security Reasons”. I checked Security at both Project and Module level. Everything fine . then how we are getting this error . Is there any thing we need to focus.   
2 answers

Hi Vijayakumar,

This is only for the user who is instructed to do work that he doesn’t have access to. Your solution is hidden between security only.

Quick tip:

Might be , that you could have forgotten to give access to data source microflow  to the current user

you could have missed “allow creating deleting” object in access rules


Hope this helps!



Usualy this is because the user that is executing the action is not allowed to see or change a certain entity, attribute or association.

Most of the time in the log there should be a little more indicators as to what entity this specifically applies.

Then you could check if the user indeed has the specific acces.

An other option is that you are trying to change the Account or User entity. In that case also have a look that the user that you are doing the changes with can manage that specific user role: https://docs.mendix.com/refguide/user-roles/#user-management
