Change in object without Commit NOT changing!

Hello! I have a microflow that is triggered with a button. It changes the object’s status, this being an attribute of enumerator type, but it does NOT commit. Refresh in client is set to yes, because i have an icon that according to the status it changes its class.   When i click on it and debug it, everything runs ok. However, the icon does not change. And when i click on it again, the system shows that the enum is still at the previous status, so it did not change with the previous action.   What am i doing wrong? Do i need to refresh the dataview? If so, how do i do that?
3 answers

Hi! Depends on the setup of your page and microflow. Is there only 1 dataview? Or is it a more nested structure? If there is a dataview or other datasource above your icon then retrieve that object in the microflow and refresh that object as well.




Refresh the parent entity and navigate to the same page again. Set the parent entity association and avoid refresh activity inside the loop.


To see if and when an object gets committed to the database, the only 100% certain way is looking in the database itself. Which can of course only be done when you have access to the database itself, so run it locally or onpromise.

Second best: use an OQL-query to check the database.
