Create custom product id

Hi team, I would like to create custom Product id for the products saved in the domain model! Example: Add the Dress/Shoes/Homeneeds/Grossery/Fruits/Furnitures details Product Id is unique (Ex. DREMUM1001 : Dress(3 Letter)-->Mumbai (3 Letter)-->SerialNo)
5 answers

Hello Tejas,

To make your custom ID you'll use a microflow but first you need a several things ready 


First have your enumerations look like these

This way we reduce some work. (Don’t worry captions are what we see on the front end)


Since Branch is a different entity, you’ll have to create objects of the Branch entity for each branch in your enum


Your Product_NewEdit page should have a Reference selector widget to make branches selectable (Drop-down won’t do)


Now change the save button’s On click to “Call a microflow”

Create a new microflow and name it “ACT_Product_Save” for example


It should look like this




*You can also utilize the auto number attribute type if you want. So instead of looking for similar products e.g. DREMUM1, DREMUM2, DREDEL1 …
You’ll have DREMUM1, DREMUM2, DREDEL3 ... 

Can be done with a simpler microflow by concatenating the $ResultString with toString($AutoNum)


Make the ID unique through validation rules



Hi Tejas,


You can do this in save product microflow. There create new string variable and perform substring as per your requirement to get product id.


In your case conside $ProductCategory – Dress , $Location = Mumbai and SerialNo – AutoNumber 


In your create string variable activity, add like this:


substring($ProductCategory,0,2) + substring($Location,0,2) + SerialNumber


Assign this newly created variable to ProductID


Hi Tejas,

The best way to do that would be in a microflow (MF) where you build up your ID string and use a auto number to keep your counter unique or just store a counter.

Also place validation on your ProductID that the attribute must be unique in the database. Please just use error handling in your MF that creates the ID


Hi, I followed the exact steps as mentioned above, and got the following error while adding more dress in the same branch!


Hi Tejas Mhaske,

In scenarios like this  would have kept a unique Identifier differentiating the String and the number :

ex: DREMUM1001 → DREMUM_1001

With this approach, I can retrieve my last product with the help of created date from the database and then with the combination of the ‘Findlast’ and ‘subString’ function to find the integer and then increment it.

Now at last you can concatenate your String.


Hope it Helps!!
