Issue on association of input reference selector

Hi team, Currently I am facing issue with maintaining association which I had selected from input reference selector. To elaborate the issue currently I am choosing associated attribute from ip selector and using that association for further use, but once I try to create new object and use same ip selector to do the same functionality, it is allowing me to do so, but the problem is that it is deleting the selections for previous record and consequence functionalities which used that association is failing . I tried committing the association  in multiple ways but the issue persists. Requesting you to help me on the same. Thanks, Ghanshyam
1 answers

Look at your association. You should be able to add an entity to the other via the word “Add” instead of “Set”.

If you have a many-to-many (I guess so), you should have the arrow drawn in your data model.

Send us more detail to check that.
