Replace Data source Context object

Hello,   I would kindly ask you for help or any way to get move forward in problem solution. I have a modal pop-up window which contains a dataView widget with Context data source. Inside the dataView is a dropdown referenceSelector.   Selectable object is populated by list of SDS objects.   When I change dropdown value, I want to change respectively replace the entire Context object and then refresh/reload this object into the parent window the pop-up is being opened from.     Thanks in advance.
2 answers

Hi Ivan,


The current data view is based on a new empty Object and I guess the version number is Enum,

My suggestion would be calling your microflow SDS_GetPreviousVersions should use retrieve activity the SDS Object  compare with Version > After retrieve  of the SDS object show the same popup page in the microflow by passing this retrieved object and use close page before you call popup page. 


Hope you find better solution, 




Hi Ivan,


Can you try the community commons » refreshClass or refreshClassByObject inside your mf.





