How to make an API that changes depending what item i clicked ?

So in my project i have an call rest API that calls 10 latest question asked on a website, tha data i receive from the rest API is Title and subtitle and an id. so i have an another api that has the id in the url so when i type the first question’s id in the url the details of that question appear. so what i want to make is a microflow when i click on my one of the latest 10 questions the second rest API changes the id on the url to the id that i clicked on. i am new at mendix, sorry for my bad english
1 answers

Hi ibrahim, 

I think you are clicking the questions in a list view, We have an on click option in list view. You can call a microflow in that. In that microflow you will get that particular data as a parameter. You can get the id from there then you can add it to the location when calling the rest service.


Hope this helps:)
