How do I show the rest of the information when I click on a name in the list

I called a list from the sql server that contains the names of the employees and I want to get detailed information about each employee when I click on his name from this list. For this, I set the option “when you click on the name” to open a new page containing a list of the additional information, and this list has been linked to the microflow that calls data from the sql server. But because in the sql sentence I put choose the top 50 it showed the 50 employees and I don't know how to make it show only the employee whose name I clicked.
1 answers

Hi ehab

when you are getting the data in a list format and you list Is getting appeared now its time showcase the particular data in a page which your clicking try to use a dataview in the same page and make the context as listen to widget and and give the list view number in the option and then add the fields wat and all you want in the dataview.if u want to showcase it in different page use a microflow and pass the parameter to the object and a show page activity and pass the parameter as the data object for the activity and then use a dataview in the page and show the fields which you needed in it.

hope this helps.
