Prevent Microflow Datasource execution if not visible

I have two graphs on a page that have Microflow datasources. They need to be Microflows due to the complexity of the data. They both have conditional visibility. Based on other attributes, only one is visible at a time.   Through debugging I can see that despite only one graph being visible, BOTH microflows are being executed.    Is there a way to prevent the execution of microflow data sources for widgets if a widget is not visible? It adds a lot of extra unnececssary resources being used.
3 answers

Now that I think about it,  UTC time: 2022-01-01 04:00:00.000, is technically incorrect. The beginning of the year SHOULD be UTC time: 2022-01-01 05:00:00.000


Is there a way to fix this when I call the %BeginningOfCurrentYear% variable?  I host inside the mendix cloud so I’m not sure if there is any kind of setting ont he server or in the project that can easily fix this.


Ok, I answered my own question. In the project settings, I had to change the DEFAULT TIME ZONE to NewYork (GMT-5). Now it shows 1/1 with a -5 offset and the textbox shows 1/1 instead of 12/31.


Let’s hope it stays this way in November after the time change.


Hey Brian,

Couple things:  it looks like some of your answers from another question were attached to this question.  Is that what happened?  If so, might be worth a bug report.


In answer to your original question, can you use the same criteria that controls visibility inside of the microflow?  To use a simple example, if visibility is based on a boolean attached to the entity passed into the microflow, can you check that boolean and not refresh / recalc if its negative?


Hope that helps,

