Data grid microflow is getting triggered multiple times when performing action on it.

When I am performing the delete action  on the data grid  the data grid is getting refresh to wipe out the entry  but at the same time the data source microflow is getting triggered  adding the data multiple times in the data grid. the entity storing the data grid elements is non persistent. please suggest any possible way how to avoid multiple triggering of data source microflow
2 answers

Hi Vikas,

The best way is not to create the data in the DS. Use association, before coming to the page- create objects , set it to association and retrieve here through association. Add helper entity if needed.

This could be the best way.


Hope this helps!


Hi Vikas,


In your datagrid, enable Refresh time in seconds option which is available in datagrid.


disable the refresh in client in delete object activity in your delete action microflow.


So Once you click delete button object will be deleted, When your datagrid is getting refreshed for every 1 sec, you can see the deleted entry which is getting removed
