Is the caption numeric in all cases? Also, maybe some of the captions are empty, so can’t be parsed to an integer? Do you get an error message? If so, can you share it here?
I made an example of this:
Here is the Enumeration
I used this for an attribute in an entity
Next I created a page so I could enter some values
Finally, I created this microflow
And here is a video of this in action:
Hope this helps
Hello Saul,
There is nothing wrong with your expression, I tried it myself
The expression returns an integer. An integer can be stored in integer type attributes and integer type variables
Also an integer can be compared with other integers: e.g. 5 = (3+2) is true, 6 >= 1 is true, 1 = 0 is false
You probably want to do something similar to this:
Hope this helps!