Issue in Removing Blank Space while import data from Excel

Hi  I got an Issue while Importing data from Excel  While Adding data from Excel Some times I am Getting Blank Spaces (eg :   ‘  Test’ ) Some how when i Import data i was trying to Trim those Extra spaces in  microflow ,But Trim Function is not Working ,Even i tried ‘replace All ‘Function but Still it is Not Removing , Any Ideas and Suggestions would be helpful   Thanks & Regards  Guru teja     
3 answers

Could you elaborate on how you did the trim? Because if you use the Parse with action and use a microflow those trims should just work. You could debug this when you set a breakpoint on that microflow while doing imports.





Hi Guru,

You can try using replaceAll() function.

ex., replaceAll($object/value, ‘  ‘,’’)


The trim() function should remove whitespace from the start and end of the string.

If you have found it’s not removed a character, it could be that what you are seeing as space isn’t a standard space character.

There is a list of “invisible” characters and it could be one of these has been used.

One way to check for this is to use a hex editor / viewer and see what the character code before TEST is. It should be “20” in hex. If you don’t have a hex viewer, you can download a free plugin for Visual Studio Code.

If it is an “invisible” character, you would need to use a regular expression in the replaceAll function to remove it.

Hope this helps.
