How Retrieve Data From Non - Persistent Entities

I am new to Mendix, I am trying to retrieve data from non-persitent entities  i have associated the TempProcessData entity with the session entity. Then I tried retrieving data in a microflow. I am getting blank data on screen. can anyone please help me with issue of how can i retrieve data from non-persistent through session    
4 answers

Hey Avanti,

If you only want to show data, why do you want to retrieve it?

Just use the list view and set its Data source to microflow (Which fetchs the data by REST). And it will start showing the data.

Tell me if any problem occurs.

Hope it helps!


here’s the image


And here i am just calling rest services and after importing the data i am directly returning it, and i am using this microflow as the source microflow of the list view





Have you correctly create the non persistable entities? Check commit.


Hey Rishabh 

i tried to retrieve through association using data view and data still getting blank data 

can you help with this maybe i am doing something wrong while retrieving data


yes i have applied import mapping In the microflow
