Error Handling - Custom with Rollback

Hello Guys,    How is it possible that Course object is commited. The new transaction does not know about the  course object.   Mendix Documentation: “ Everything that happened up to the error will be rolled back in the database, and a new transaction will be initiated. It will neither change nor roll back the state of the objects that are still in memory. As a result of that, recommitting the same objects will not cause a change as the Mendix Runtime no longer knows which members are changed or whether the object was created or not. If you want to change the data in the database again, you should copy the changes into another/new version of the same object” Sub MF:
2 answers

Hey Sahil,

As mendix documentation states,

" It will neither change nor roll back the state of the objects that are still in memory "

That means the changes are still available in the memory but are neither change nor rolled back.


So, if you want to commit the same changes, you can create a new object and using the changed data you can just copy them and change the data.


Am i making sense?



May be I misunderstand you. But if the submicroflow change action is throwing an error it will revert back to the state before the change action. Then the error handler on the higher microflow will kick in. And there you state that you commit the Course action. So imho you will have a committed object with the state that it has prior to the submicroflow.



