Microflow Timer - Microflow needs to finish before another microflow can be processed

Hi all,   I have a page where a microflow timer needs to run and finish processing some data. It is mandatory the microflow that runs inside the microflow timer finishes before I can press Next on the page and go to the next page/part of the wizzard. How can I make sure that the Next microflow is not going to run until the microflow from the Microflow Timer finishes its job? Thanks
2 answers

Well data wize you could handle this with a boolean in the object of the microflow timer. Only set this boolean to true if the microflow timer finishes.

You can either hide the ‘Next’ button based on the this boolean, or validate in the microfolw beneath if this boolean is indeed set.

Depending on your data/page structure the boolean needs to be committed and refreshed.


If it is an option to run the actions asynchrousiously you can call executeMicroflowInBackground or executeMicroflowAsUser from CommunityCommons. The actions will then be performed from the queue and run after each other. But you will not have a signal to the frontend that the actions are finished.
