Retrieve non persistent entity with latest version

Hi,   I am triggering a microflow via a button and have a validation check inside it that depends on an object $Entity/Proceed (boolean). This boolean is changed by a microflow that does NOT finish running before the Button microflow is triggered.    So basically the two microflows overlap while running and the second microflow depends on the latest status of $Entity/Proceed which is changed in the first microflow.   However, once the second flow starts, I found no way of actually getting the latest version of $Entity/Proceed.  The object is Non Persistent.    How can I get the latest version of $Entity/Proceed so that I can make the second flow move further?
2 answers

Hey Razvan,

Didi you pass the parameter of NPE in the submicroflow?

from the first microflow?


What you’re trying to do is wrong. Are you sure you can’t split your long-running microflow into two phases both called from a single nanoflow? If you can then the client will get the updated version of the non-persistable object from the server. Otherwise you will need a persistable object and you will have to commit it in a separate transaction (find the related stuff in Community Commons).
