Please help: Iam donating in one charity, but the donation amount is going to another charity.

Iam donating in one charity, but the donation amount is going to another charity. Here im donating in the 1st charity, after clicking view details Iam having donate button to donate. There its working properly. But when I open the 2nd charity and after clicking view details, when i click the donat button to donate, the amount deduction should be triggered to the 2nd charity itself. But what Iam getting is when I clicked the donate button in the 2nd charity, the amount is deducting in the 1st charity. Below is the microflow which is linked to that donate button. This is my donate button when I clicked the view details button:
4 answers

Hi Karthik,

it seems like you are creating another donation with the donate button. There is already a donation object so you dont have to create in the donate microflow.  Before showing this popup you have to create the donation object. Configure a microflow for the onclick action of the list view. There you will get the charity obj as parameter. create donation object here and associate it with charity then show the popup.


Hope this helps :)


Hi Karthik,


When looking at your microflow, it looks like you retrieve the charity each time you press the button. As this is just retrieving a charity, I assume that this will be random (the first one in your case).


If the button is placed on the charity page, you can use the charity as an input parameter for your microflow. You can remove the retrieve from database, so you will always use the correct charity.


Hopefully, this helps.


I tried, but its not working


so on the detail page dont use create object button if you have to then provide context using relationships so ur donation is connected to ur charity.

now on click save donation u can retrive the charity from the association and make changes to charity there.


