If you look in microflow EmailTemplates.Sub_CreateAndSendEmail, you’ll see this microflow call
The submicroflow Sub_CreateAttachments takes a list of System.FileDocuments and creates a list of Attachments that are attached to the email. Hope that helps.
If you look in the Email Templates module, the SendEmail Java Action takes a list of Attachment objects as an argument. See the screenshot below:
While I haven’t opened the Java action to confirm this, I suspect that this is not working for you because you are passing in a list of FileDocument objects and not a list of Attachment objects. Perhaps there is a permissions issue or it may be that the Java action requires a list of Attachment objects. Can you try passing in a list of Attachment objects and see if that resolves your issue?
Here’s additional information. After I added the Create Attachments microflow from the Email Connector Module the feature still would not work.
Hi Nakeisha Silva,
Sub_CreateAttachments microflow has attachment entity but if you are using file document entity please rechange the code as per the below instructions