Microflow Decision and committing

Hi Guys ,  I have doubt  in microflow . Actually my scenario is “ I have a set of user’s list who is going to register in a particular website by  filling the registration form  , in that I should check whether that user is already present or not . If the the user  is already present , I should mark that user as a duplicate , If not I should make that user as a new register “.     In that registration form , I have save button once I pressed that this microflow should work .  How should create a microflow based on this scenario say me step wise . 
2 answers

Hello Priyanka,

In your ‘save’ microflow you should have input parameter as ‘User/Account’. Then you can retrieve all ‘User/Account’ entities from database and check if you will get any with same ‘Name’ attribute set by XPATH.

So when you will have the list – just check if it’s empty, then there is no duplicates, in other case there are some.


In this I have a error called “ Microflow should not  have Parameters “ . I don’t know how  to clear it . If I pressed the error , it takes me to the Domain model Event handler . There I don’t know how to solve the error . Below is my microflow 

