Too much time taken to show retrieved data on Page

Hello ,    We have performance issue where user clicks on button and gets List of Data on Page. But , it is taking very long time for page to appear once after clicking on Button. We thought internal OQL queries might be taking time based on amount of data. But query execution itself is much faster and to show retrieved records on Page , it is taking 4-5 minutes for 400 records. As you can see below logger , once MF2 is completed its taking time to call “ACT_get_list” which is on Page.  Can anyone please suggest how to reduce time taken to show/dump data on Page and show quickly to user irrespective of number of records. Let me know in case more information required.   Thanks    ---      
3 answers

It might help if you the microflow itself so we can see what is happening


Hi Shriram,


What is the telling you?


I assume that ACT_get_list is used as a SUB_get_list called from the main Microflow. If not (so triggered by a button) we are observing user waiting time in the log.


It looks like the Server is waiting for resources to call the ACT_get_list or the network is the problem. Have you looked at it from the developers tools → network viewpoint?

(In Chrome <Ctrl>+<Shift>+<I>  → Network tab?

Can you share that view:


Go Make It


Hi Shriram Patil,

 While retrieving from database you can always use indexing feature in the entity. Indexes improve the speed of retrieving objects if the indexed attributes are used in a search field, the XPath constraint of a data grid or template grid, or a WHERE clause of an OQL query. However, search fields where the Comparison property has value Contains do not take advantage of the improved performance.

Hope it helps. Let me know if you face issues around it or if you were looking for something else.

