Microflow/Database -- Save Search results to see past search results

Hi guys,    i have built a search algorithm to compare my target object with objects of my database and add it to a new list.    Now, I want to do: → save the newly created list. → My Idea is to have a history of searched targets and its results   Any an idea how to solve my challenge?    Here is my microflow:   to to I can see previous search results. 
2 answers

Hi Steven,

Here what you can do is commit newly created list after loop(outside the loop). Committing an objects stores it in the database.


Hope this helps!!


Hi Steven,


Create a new Entity like “ResultSearch”. In the Entity, enable the “Systems members” “Store ‘createdDate’” and “Store ‘owner’” optionally when it is important for you to know who searched. You can leave the Attributes empty.


In your “Found a Match = true” add a “Create list → ResultSearch” and  loop over the “ResultList| and inside Action “Create object → ResultSearch” and add it to the “ResultSearch” list. Commit “ResultSearch” list outside the loop. 


Create Overview page for “ResultSearch”.


Go Make It
