Parameter of the selected microflow does not match available arguments

Hi all,    I got a error which I don't how to solve. I got a detail page for the object ‘lineservice’ which can have a certain status ‘D’ or ‘O’. Each of these statuses have diffrent detail pages which I open with a microflow who decides if it is an 'D' or an ‘O’ and then opens the detail page for this 'lineservice’ object. I got an error message and I don´t know how to solve this. Can anyone help me? (error message: Parameter of the selected microflow does not match available arguments)  
1 answers

Hi Ian,


Do you have mulitselect on for the datagrid? Your microflow parameter is currently just 1 object, but with the mulitselect on this could potentially be any number of objects.


You can either change the multiselect or change your parameter to a list of objects. In your case I think the only logical solution would be to change the mulitselect option:

