Add a row when click on button and remove a row when click on button

Hello everyone , I’m having a requirement to add a row when click on button , For that I followed below steps , one entity Insurance (For example) one more entity AdditionalInsuredDetails which is associated with Insurance (So, 1 insurance has multiple AdditionalInsuredDetails In a page, added dataview for Insurance and added button in the dataview Added editable list view with AdditionalInsuredDetails  When you click the button call the Nanoflow, create a new AdditionalInsuredDetails object and changed the AdditionalInsuredDetails  object  associate with Insurance object and refresh Insurance object .  In the change object I need to  commit object . Otherwise the new row is not getting added . But If I added a commit we are trying to save the empty data while adding the row itself . So it is creating a problem because of empty row in data base .  Can someone suggest any solution for how can we add a row without committing the object 
1 answers

Hi Vinodhini R,

What you have done is so far Correct,

Check these below 2 points, this might help you.

  1. In your Nanoflow, once you set your association, There is an activity called Refresh object in nanoflows,  use that to refresh your insurance object.
  2. The Data source of your list view should be with the association.

I have created a sample and it worked.

