Execute microflow in queue by passing un committed objects as Parameter in the selected sub-microflow

Hello Experts,   I want to execute the microflow in a task queue by passing the parameter as an un-committed object, since the option in the sub microflow shows to execute the task in a queue but during the runtime I am getting the below error. PFB error.   Error which I am getting during runtime : Only committed persistent objects can be passed to background tasks.   I don’t wanna commit objects then passing into the sub-microflow. Is there any way to achieve this. Also I found this as well, RunMicroflowAsyncInQueue Java action where I am not getting any error but the parameter which I passed seems to be empty.    Answers are really much appreciated!
1 answers

Why do you not want to commit the object? Remember that the runtime server is designed in a stateless manner and that uncommitted changes only exist in memory.

Are you hitting validation rules or something preventing you from committing at that point?

You could save off the data required for that task in a different entity and commit/process that one if needed. Then just delete it once the task has finished executing successfully.
