Removing Duplicate Records via a Microflow

In mendix list of records and some records is duplicate. So I want to retrive duplicate records and after that delete duplicate records. Please help me how to find this.
5 answers

Based on what do you determine if it's a duplicate?


You can loop through all your records, retrieve similar records (so where X = X and Y = Y), add those to a list and delete the list after the loop.


Hi Sonu,

You can retrieve the entity by DB and selecting the range as all and delete the object of retrieved activity.

Hope it helps!!!



Hi Sonu Gupta,

follow the link for the clear explanation of  removal of duplicates in microflow.



Hi Sonu,


This what you do.


  1. Retrieve the list from DB
  2. than create a new list (call it ListWithoutDuplicates)
  3. than Loop through the list from DB (set list from DB as iterator
  4. Within the loop, place a decicision that checks if the ListWithoutDuplicates contains the item of the current iterator.
  5. If it does, skip it if it does not, add iterator object to ListWithoutDuplicates
  6. once loop is done, commit or use it for your purposes.

Hope this will help you.


Good luck with it,



Hi Sonu,


This what you do.


  1. Retrieve the list from DB
  2. than create a new list (call it OpenOrderListEmpty)
  3. than Loop through the list from DB (set list from DBList  as iterator
  4. take a activity select list operation in that use find image.png
  5. take a decision box check their Object is exist = empty
  6. if object is empty they set true and Add to empty list. and false side continue activity 


