Difference between Before-create and After-create event handlers ?

Hi there,   What is the effective difference between  "Before-create" and "After-create" event handlers ? It seems like the microflow is triggered at the exact same stage ; if would be logical that the “before create” is executed before the values defined in the “create action” are set on the object, and the “after create” executed right after those properties are set ; but from what I saw, both are executed before the property values are set, which is neither logical nor practical …   Any idea ?   Thanks
3 answers

Hi Francois,
That is indeed a very intelligent question,
From what I have learned from my experience,
The 'Before-create' microflow actually returns a boolean, it basically does the checks before creating an
object and if the result is true, the object will be created, 
on the other hand,
The 'after-create' microflow, can do tasks and perform actions and even change other objects, it also gets
object as a parameter.

Hope it helps and clears your confusion!!


Hi Francois, I'm not really familiar, but I would avoid using event handlers. You could create an ‘Create <Entity>’ submicroflow, where you create your object. In this microflow, you can then ‘before’ create and ‘after’ create specify certain actions you want to execute. 


Hi Francois, 

the before commit event can be useful if you want to prevent the commit of the object. 

About the value you are correct when you say we have access to the same one. but the before commit event allows you to check the previous value of that same object if you retrieve it from database using the following :  [id = currentObject]

then you can compare the values of the current object with the values of the object retrieved from DB.

Hope this help. 

Edit : I just noticed that you talked about create and not commit. I guess it is still allowing you to prevent the creation of that object in a before event.
