Hi everyone, I'm in the Create an App with Advanced Page Building module in part 2.3.1. It shows to put a true and false condition value. But the option of “condition value” is disabled for me. How to fix it? In this photo is how it is. In this other one is how the microflow should be. Underline the conditions in red.
Thalles Salomon
4 answers
That means you havent actually made a statement in the decision that can evaluate to true or false.
i.e. $CountUserRole = 1 for example.
Damien Solak
I guess there is an error in the decision expression, or it is still missing.
Once the expression is corrected, the condition value is enabled.
Alessandro Stagni
Removing all the '*' symbols from the expression should help. I'm assuming you copy pasted it and the copy pasted version will contain the '*' symbols.