How to return two objects from a microflow

Hi community,   I'm new to Mendix development and I do not know how to return two objects from a microflow.   I have 2 Data Views inside the same container whose data are coming from two different Rest Service calls.   DataSource for these 2 Data Views is a microflow that sequentially performs the 2 calls to the 2 Rest Services. Each call returns a different variable with the results (as configured in the mapping).   Target: This microflow is triggered by a custom dropdown so that every time a user select a different value in the dropdown, microflow starts and update the two data view. Unfortunately I don't know how the microflow can return the two objects returned from each single Rest call to be able to update the 2 data view accordingly to the selected value in the dropdown.   Has someone any ideas on how to proceed?  
2 answers

You can't unless you return a ViewObject with relations to the two objects, so that you can retrieve them later (over association)


You have to return a single entity from the microflow.Then, You can associate the other objects to this entity in the microflow, so you can simply retrieve them from the returned entity outside the microflow.

Hope this helps.
