Hello, Goal: We want to create a Workflow for our employees to correctly document a TLS/SSL Certificate. It should be a stepped workflow in Mendix that creates over a REST API a i-Doit CMDB Object. But at one point we have to assign a Person, that is included in the i-Doit tool, and for that I want to get all Users from i-Doit (Rest API Call) which should be available in a Dropdown for selection. Problem: But so that I can show a Dropdown in a Page, I have to set the Entity to “Persistable”. Is there a way to reference an i-Doit User from a non-Persistable Entity? Thank you
Nicolo Bächler
1 answers
Hi Nicolo, unfortunately I do not believe this is possible.
My experience in these kinds of situations is to build logic that transfers the information of the non-persistent entity on to a persistent version of the same object. The trick is to make sure that you think carefully about how these persistents objects are cleaned up to ensure that they don't foul up your database. Hope this helps.