Hello Chetan,
This can be achievable by maintaining a Master Data of the entities you mentioned and then in the page using a listview to show the details. On the domain model for each entity make sure you have a Boolean created for the checkbox.
For the total items to be displayed on the side you can use an entity with generalization of the main entity and can count based on the conditions in the backend with CAL microflows. Just make sure not to commit this entity which has the total count as it changes dynamically.
This is rather a large question :) which has many features in it.
if you are expecting there is a premade solution for such a thing, I dont think there is any.
But the custom implementation is very well possible.
Hi Chetan,
You can maintain a NPE entity on the top as a helper entity and create the domain model for porduct , price and other filter .
These filters will be associated with NPE entity so when you doing the filter you will get the selected filter and those you can apply in your microlfow to filter the results based on the selection.