Hello Rishabh,
You can have a string that will save the userrole chosen for the user from a microflow run when the userrole is selected.
Then you can have 2 widgets as Assign to and in visibility you can choose it to be visible based on the user role string that is selected. Once it's done on the selectable objects you can restrict which users who have which roles should be visible in the Assign to list.
Please let me know if you need screenshots explaining thisPlease let me know if you need screenshots explaining this
Hi Rishabh Kandari,
In Your case, I think that The Object should go to the Assign to role, In general set selector connects the necessary roles . Which you want to change the useroles just give permission as Admin and you try the method you mention I hope it will works. If worked just let me Know
Thanks in Advance..
hi Rishabh Kandari,
yeah you can , In above microflow you can get current object userrole (Attribute) from which you can retrieve data for (Assign to )attribute .hope it will be useful