SAML Startup Problems

Hi all,   I am having difficulties setting up SSO using SAML Module. When I configure microflow SAML.Startup as a after startup MF, my application cannot be deployed with following errors:    Failed to execute microflow for deeplink deploy, check the log for details Invalid project id XXXX utm_source=businessmodeler&utm_medium=software&utm_campaign=modeler   In the log there are listed following errors:   ActionManager: Error in execution of monitored action '{"name":"SAML20.Startup","type":"Microflow"}' (execution id: 1a6954ed-07c9-4962-8e0f-3800cc03ceb2, execution type: CUSTOM) 1:11:44 PMAPPERRORExecuting start did not succeed: result: 1, message: class com.mendix.m2ee.api.AdminException occurred while executing an admin action request. See logging output for details., caused by: class java.lang.NoSuchMethodError occurred while executing an admin action request. See logging output for details. 1:11:44 PMAPPERRORStarting application failed: Application start failed 1:11:44 PMAPPCRITICALM2EE: 'org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERBitString org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.SubjectPublicKeyInfo.getPublicKeyData()' 1:11:44 PMAPPERRORM2EE: An error occurred while executing action 'start'. 1:14:34 PMAPPCRITICALActionManager: Error in execution of monitored action '{"name":"SAML20.Startup","type":"Microflow"}' (execution id: f99a6827-e7e9-4303-80c3-cacd3ed1b41a, execution type: CUSTOM) 1:14:34 PMAPPCRITICALM2EE: 'org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERBitString org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.SubjectPublicKeyInfo.getPublicKeyData()' 1:14:34 PMAPPERRORM2EE: An error occurred while executing action 'start'. 1:14:34 PMAPPERRORExecuting start did not succeed: result: 1, message: class com.mendix.m2ee.api.AdminException occurred while executing an admin action request. See logging output for details., caused by: class java.lang.NoSuchMethodError occurred while executing an admin action request. See logging output for details. 1:14:34 PMAPPERRORStarting application failed: Application start failed   Many thanks, Miro  
1 answers

Could you double check your JAR libraries in your project userlib directory? You probably have double JAR files. Since it is bouncycastle to most likely cullprit will be some bcprov JAR file. Keep the latest and remove the older versions from your userlib (place them in another location in case you are making a mistake so you can put the JAR file back again if needed).




