No, but you can check the time in the microflow and quit if between 9:00 and 6:00,
[%CurrentDateTime%] > addHours([%BeginOfCurrentDayUTC%], 9) and
[%CurrentDateTime%] < addHours([%BeginOfCurrentDayUTC%], 18)
Good day,
The scheduled event does not allow you to do what you want to. So if you set the interval to every hour it will trigger hourly. To achieve your goal place a decision action at the start of your microflow that checks the time. So then using current time, check that the current time is not in your excluded times.
With that you get a true of false answer and from that you do your microflow job or simply send it straight to the end event.
This will not stop your scheduled event from triggering but it will prevent the microflow from performing the actions when you do not want it to.