Set ID in Entity

I have two Entities A and B ,now i want to Set unique id of entity A in an Attribute of entity B .how can i do this ? There is no relation between these two entities . Change object activity and create object activity are not aloowing me to set Id,s.
3 answers

Hi Dheeraj!


Why are you opposed to using a 1-1 association in this case?


If you do not want to use an association between the two entities, then, create a new attribute that is of type AutoNumber for Entity A. Assign the value of this AutoNumber attribute to the Question_Id attribute in Entity B.


The $IteratorQualityQuestionMaster/Id will not work in most cases as it is a restricted field and available for limited use. Using the attribute that is of type AutoNumber will help you achieve what you are looking for.


You can use the getGUID java action from Community Commons in your microflow to get the id for entity A.


hi Dheeraj Bhardwaj,

       After unique id in entity A generated ,you can use methods like variable or using change object you can store that in other entity by parameter or retrieve object in the microflow.
