I have an issue regarding Downloading multiple pdf document

I am working on a functionality in which i want to download muliple pdf documents which is stored in pdf_report entity for different id’s selected by user. I retrieved the id’s which were selected by the user in for each loop and applied download activity but it is downloading pdf doc for first id selected ,  But I require muliple pdf doc for selected id ‘s. Please help me regarding this. This is latest microflow:   This is previous microflow:
3 answers

I tried to replicate this, and it seems that the download file action only works for the last file in the loop. I've tried this on Mx 10.0 beta.


So if you have 3 files





you put them in a loop with download file. it will only download c.pdf. This seems like a bug or it is a limitation of the implementation.


Did some searching and found this thread:


Seems like this is not the first time this came up. There is also an answer in there with a javascript action. 

So what you can do is create a nanoflow that calls your microflow as a submicroflow. Return the file docs from that sub microflow.

In your nanoflow add a javascript action, that looks like the one in the thread i linked. in that javascript action add the input parameter ‘fileDocumentList’ and select the entity you want to let the user download. And that should do the trick.


-Edit- I just tried that solution, it works.


Hi Abhishek,


Looking at the latest microflow: In the loop, you use the ItterPatientList to retrieve a list of PDF_Report called PatientListList_1. You need to create a loop (in the loop) ittering over this list and download the files in that loop.


Go Make It.


I have done these changes still not able to download multiple pdf’s , it is still downloading only for first id selected by user and not others.
