If it is purely a string you are getting I would parse it differently. Go find first the comma and dots inside the string. Depending on the amount of comma's and dots and if the last character is a dot or comma you know what format it is. And based on that result remove either all the comma's or all the dots and do a replcase of the other one (so a dot becomes a comma and a comma becomes a dot. Then you could parse it normally. So for instance the string is 3.456.789,12 has two dots and one comma as last you remove the dots and change the comma so it becomes 3456789.12 which you can parse normally to a decimal.
Now it becomes more tricky if you have a value like 3.45,6789. The count is equal but the last one is a comma. So again remove the dots in the string and replace the comma for a dot so you get 345.6789 which again can be parsed to a normal decimal.
This is down to the language locale settings in the application. Different languages using different formats for decimals.
I wrote a marketplace module to get around this and give you more flexibility in parsing. This allows you to set the grouping and decimal separators independently of your locale.
I hope this helps.
Hello Belle,
This might be related to Language specific settings. For example UK and US use the comma and dot exactly opposite.
Have you checked on the page itself?