On change doesnt work on refrence selector.

Hello team. I have two reference selectors with different entities on the same page. One is Packaging and the other one is Template. When i choose packaging item i want this template reference selector to filter packaging items. But the problem is after selecting packaging  item i have to click to the save button in order to filter the template reference selector. On change action i create a microflow to filter. So how can i filter template reference selector without clicking the button?
1 answers

Hi Selcuk,


The microflow you show should not be an OnChange microflow, but a datasource microflow. On the “Selectable objects” tab in you reference selector properties, you can select microflow as datasource and then use the microflow you already created. If you then refresh the Recipe when you change the Main Packaging, the datasource microflow should be triggered again tand the correct list should be shown
