I receive the result from a REST GET call in JSON format that looks something like this: {"data": {"result": { "seriesName1": {"<epoch timestamp 1>": <value 1>,"<epoch timestamp 2>": <value 2>,...},{“seriesName2” : {"<epoch timestamp 1>": <value x>,"<epoch timestamp 2>": <value y>,...}}}}} I want to show the results on charts and I would need to map each timestamp to each value. I tried to create a mapping importing my JOSN file, but it recognizes each key as its own value. Which steps do I need to perform so that I can map the timestamp to an xValue and the value to an yValue attribute of an entity? Thanks for the support.
1 answers
Hi Tiago,
Mendix does not handle dynamic keys of key-value pairs. However, there are a couple of options you can try:
You can build your string using a microflow
You can change your JSON structure to the following: