Customised search constraints?

I want to use the reference selector to limit a range (e.g. a range of "20-30" and find all the data in that range first), then use the Text Box to enter a name to locate a particular piece of data. Then use Text Box to enter a name to locate a specific piece of data. The final implementation is to find - serial number (25) - a piece of data with the name (DJ), how should this microflow be written? At the moment I can get all the data for a specific Year_week, but this Ecu Name is not restricted by entering the name, so I can't get a single piece of data. How can I ① select data within two ranges and ② restrict the name to get a single entry? Or do you have any other ideas to share? Thank you !!!!!  
1 answers

Hi Dujie,

For restricting the data to a particular range,

select a microflow in the selectable tab of the drop-down and there you can use retrieve activity and then Set Range to Custom then, by defining the Offset and range, you can easily define the Range of the data.

Now, for the custom filter, you can follow a similar approach from the blog, I am providing the link below,

Let me know, if you face any issues,

Hope it helps!!

