Refresh page from Microflow

I have one requirement, where I have a page with data view. Data view is loaded with Microflow as data context. I have button trigger function which will open dialog and will close the page after business logic. While closing the page I want to reload the page or data view to fetch the latest data. I tried by refresh object and showing new page, but it doesn’t help. Any input will help for me. Thanks in advance.
3 answers

One way to re-run a data source microflow is via a refresh of the object that the microflow uses as a parameter, so in your case you would refresh the data source parameter object before closing the dialog page, maybe in a save microflow. If your data source microflow doesn’t use a parameter then you may need a page refresh. 


If you’re doing either or both of these things and still don’t see your latest changes reflected in the data view, I would check to make sure any changes that are made are being committed and then retrieved from the database in the data source microflow. Another thing to check is to make sure the “refresh in client” option is set to Yes for any changes you’d like reflected in the UI that may not also trigger your data source microflow to run. 


Hopefully this helps!


Then why not close all pages in the microflow and reopen the page you want at the end of the microflow? Then it will surely refresh.





I have fixed the issue. The object is getting updated in database after the end event of the microflow. I was trying to retrieve before the end event, which caused the issue. 
