Compare enumartion

Hi,   I made 2 seperate enumerations for start- and endtimes, as I have to follow a certain time table. For example starttime can only be 8.30, 9.15, 10.00, 11.00, 11.45 etc.. Endtime can only be 9.15, 10.00, 11.45 etc.   When a user fills in a form, I want to validate that the starttime does not begins after the endtime, for example: if a user enters 12.30 as starttime the endtime cannot be 11.00. However, because I made an enumeration I cannot compare 2 values. Is there a way to validate this?   Thanks in advance!  Kind regards, Ralph
4 answers

Hi Ralph,

my mistake,

this is the correct expression:

parseDateTime(toString($StartTime ), '_HH_mm') < parseDateTime(toString($EndTime), '_HH_mm') 


Hi Ralph,


to complete the task you should use a expression like this:


parseDateTime(toString($StartTime ), '') < parseDateTime(toString($EndTime), '') 


let me know if it works :)



Hi Andrea,


Thank you for your quick response. Is it right that I have to create a microflow in which I process this expresssion?


My idea is that when a user presses "Save", there will be a validation that starttime is before eindttime.




Hi Andrea,


Thank you so much, it seems I didn't link to the right variable. I managed to fill in the expression without getting an error, however when I try it out, Mendix says “An error occured, please contact your administrator”.


I thought this happened because I use a 10:15 notation instead of 10.15, so I changed in the expression to HH:mm. This didn't work. After that I tried to change the 9:15 enumeration to 09:15, but this also didn't have any effect.


Any other ideas? :) 
