pass an object from a list to another page to see the details

Hello Experts, I have a list view that on click calls this microflow I want to display all the details of that object in the page “Approval” but I get this error:   Thanks in advnace for the help
4 answers

Hey Eleftherios!

Are you calling this microflow from a dataview? Cause the error says that you don’t have that paremeter available

If you want to see the details of that object on the Approval page you should have there a dataview with a Context datasource and you need to send the request object as page parameter.


Hello Eleftherios Foteinatos,


The problem is not in this microflow. Rather the problem is either in the list page which is calling this microflow or in the “Approval” page. Could you please add 2 more screenshots of the respective pages?





The first page is this. this list gets populated from an Odata Query
I want to press on an object on that list to see the details of the object I pressed

So I have a second Page (The approvals page) and on that page there is a dataview:

i want to show the details of the object I click here.

Thanks for all the help



Thanks everyone for your help it works now!!! I wish I could pin every answer, Selcuk was on point from the beginning,
Selcuk add an official answer to set it as the answer
