How to use counter and increment counter ?can anyone explain with example?

I have gone through all docs related with metrics activities but not getting idea how to use metrics activities in real time based examples. What is the use case of below activities.
2 answers


Counter – Allows you to increment a counter by the specified value. It will perform increment operation based on the provided value.  

Note : Specified value should be of type Integer/Long. It is only possible to increment the counter, so values cannot be negative.


Increment Counter – Allows you to increment a counter by 1 (+1). Always it will increment by 1.



For more details refer :

Counter :

Increment Counter :



Hope it helps!



Counter—It is used to increment the counter by specific values.

Here Metric having  Name and Value for assigning specific value.


Increment Counter- It is used to increment the counter by one only.

Here Metric having only  Name .
